our history
Twekembe Association Centre for Rural Development and Empowerment (T.A-CRUSADE-UGANDA) is a Registered Grassroots Not for Profit Organization (Reg. No: MKN/CBO 2859/2019) initiated and governed by the local community members in Nakifuma County, Mukono District, Uganda since 2003. The organization operates in Nakifuma County.
To be the leading grassroots organization offering quality sustainable services to the poor, disadvantaged and marginalized communities in Uganda.
To support Vulnerable People in rural communities to escape from poverty through Education, Empowerment, Creation of Employment and Sustainable Capacity building.
- Provide educational opportunities, particularly for disadvantaged individuals and communities
- Improve access to basic services and infrastructure to disadvantaged communities, including but not limited to healthcare, clean water and electricity
- Support people in reduced circumstances, without sufficient means, or those who are experiencing times of need thereby providing important support for the relief of poverty or other forms of disadvantage such as disability
- Address environmental challenges and promote sustainable development, both and through the pursuit of the other key areas of focus listed here
We have among others been involved in the following since 2003:
Constructed 4 Community Hand Water pumps
Repaired 18 Community Hand Water pumps
Built 8 new schools latrine blocks
Built 2 School Kitchen Blocks
Constructed 6 Ferrous Water Tanks in 6 Schools
Established 8 School Gardens
Trained 83 Early Childhood Education Instructors
Distributed 102 mosquito nets for malaria prevention
Trained 1500 rural Youth and Women in Tradable Vocational skills that have included Masonry, Plumbing, Electrical Installation, Auto-mechanics, Cookery & Bakery, Tailoring, Hairdressing, Entrepreneurship, Computer Applications, Computer Repair and Maintenance among others.
4 Community Medical camps
Built 2 Washrooms and Changing Rooms
Deworming of school children
Equipped an IT lab at a Vocational Skills Training Centre
Built capacity of a women’s cooperative to help them earn money to educate their children
We will endeavor by our work to make clear that:
- Children and young people are listened to, valued and respected.
- Vulnerable adults are treated with care and respect.
- Staff at our projects are aware of the need to be alert to the signs of abuse and know what to do with their concerns.
- Any paid and unpaid staff are subject to rigorous recruitment procedures.
- Any paid and unpaid staff are given appropriate support and training.
T.A-CRUSADE- UGANDA has over the years worked in Partnership with a number of strategic entities that have included Funding & Implementing Partners, CSOs, GOU, Local Governments, Schools, and Individuals among others. These include but not limited to;
Nabbaale Sub-county Local Government
MOES – TVET Non-formal Training Programme
Kitchen Table Charities Trust- United Kingdom
Volkart Vision – Switzerland
Tools for Self Reliance – United Kingdom
CanAssist African Relief Trust – Canada
Seeds for Africa- United Kingdom
Pens for Kids – Denmark
Rhodes Scholars’ Southern Africa Forum- (RSSAF) – United Kingdom
Feed the Minds – United Kingdom
Van Doorn Foundation – The Netherlands
Nederlands Albert Schweitzer Fonds – The Netherlands
The International Initiative to End Child Labour (IIECL) and the Emily Sandall Foundation (ESF) – USA
Transpetrol Foundation – Switzerland